VV Vision

The Vegan Vanguard Collection (VVC) was founded by Mel Sherwell, a Melbourne based Vegan Interior Designer. After living as a passive vegetarian for over twenty years, Mel found herself researching further into veganism as a direct result of her work as an interior designer.

" I had always thought being vegetarian was enough, I didnt realise what happened in the dairy industry until I started researching further into animal based materials for my design projects. The more I delved into where items like leather and feathers came from the more I discovered just how bad things are. When I realised so many industries where supporting and profiting off horrific cruelty to animals, I decided I just had to work towards becoming vegan and have now been vegan for almost 5 years.

The 'Vegan Vanguards Collection' comes from a deep sadness I have for our world and the animals who are born into hell on earth. Every day humans abuse their power and turn their back on their own inherant nature to be kind. Billions of animals are tortured in incomprehensible conditions all for the sake of an inamate object or a plate of food that is devoured in minutes by greedy humans who prioritise their stomach over the precious gift of life we are ALL so lucky to be given. Humans who care for animals and try to stop others from hurting them are ridiculed and made to feel like extreme outcasts for calling out cruelty, desensitisation and ignorance. What a world we live in where common sense abandons the many who attack humans for displaying acts of kindness and good will for others whom they share the earth with.

I hope these pieces help all vegans, who like me want to see the entire world become vegan. I hope 'Vegan Vanguards' all over the world feel supported by these pieces, I hope they help you feel heard, authentic and strong as you continue to walk in your truth of authenticity, kindness and compassion.

To all the animals whom are currently now standing in their own filth somewhere in a slaughterhouse, being trampled on, rotting away in darkness wondering what they did wrong to find them selves in this place, waiting for their petrifying death,

.... this collection is for you, your babies and your beautiful souls who do not deserve this pain.

Dreaming of a world where we can live peacefully with all creatures.

- Mel Sherwell -